Movisie contributes to a society in which all people are enabled to use their qualities and skills to the full. This website contains the collective practical and in-depth knowledge on the following themes.
Meaningful employment
Daily activities are available for people of various ages and with all kinds of disabilities. The aim is to make sure they are meaningfully occupied during the day, despite their background or problems. Meaningful employment is a specific kind of daily activity.
Poverty and indebtedness
One of every eight children in the Netherlands groes up in a poor family. Approximately 80 percent of neighbourhood social teams’ clients have financial problems. Figures show plainly that poverty and indebtedness are a societal problem in the Netherlands. And these figures imply a multitude of sorrows.
Citizen participation
Citizen participation means activating citizens and involving them in government policies. But it also relates to taking initiatives, anticipating residents’ ideas and brainpower by facilitating citizens initia-tives. The concept of client participation follows naturally from this.
Client support
Client support is all about self-direction. Being able to direct your own life. It also includes selecting one’s own care and support. Independent counsel by client supporters can help clients to take these decisions.
Digital society
Social technology is the umbrella term for all technological tools applied in the social domain. Organisations in care and welfare increasingly use online or blended support to meet the needs of clients.
In the Netherlands various national and local approaches were developed to prevent and redress discrimination. But which are the most effective ones? And what should we avoid when combating discrimination in the field of ethnicity, skin colour, disability, religion, gender and sexual orientation?
Governments and social professionals have crucial roles to play in combating loneliness. What works in approaching loneliness? And how do social professionals address the issue in their daily work?
Personal control
Promoting people’s personal control (self-management) has been high on the agenda for a considerable time, but is still not widely accepted in practice. Self-management also has its boundaries, for instance when people suffer from dementia, psychiatric problems and mental or physical disabilities.
Experts by experience
Experiential expertise contributes to better participation of citizens and has added value for the experts by expertise. Movisie supports the deployment of experiential knowledge and expertise.
Domestic and sexual violence
Domestic and sexual violence are persistent societal problems without easy solutions. How can violence in dependent relationships be signalled and how can it be addressed?
Inclusion and diversity
People may be excluded from full participation in society for a variety of reasons. For instance due to disability, age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or gender identity. Poverty and functional illiteracy are also excluding factors. Working towards an inclusive society calls for attention.
Informal care
Society increasingly addresses people’s social networks. Family members, neighbours and friends find ways to offer care and support. Formal care matches this offer and works closely together with informal carers.
Comprehensive local approaches
Changes in care and welfare call for new ways of working by professionals and policymakers in the social domain. Important pillars are all-encompassing collaboration in the neighbourhood and suitable support close to home.
Young adults
Most Dutch young adults are doing quite well. Still there are young people who face problems with their identity, sexuality or in finding employment. They need additional support.
Arts in care and welfare
The power of art in the approach of societal issues and vulnerable groups is tremendous. Art contributes to personal development, social participation of vulnerable people, and well-being and health.
LGBTI emancipation
How can society be made more inclusive for lesbian women, homosexual men, bisexual, transgender and intersex people?
Social care
Social care deals with people with serious mental or psychosocial vulnerabilities. They sometimes find it hard to participate to the full. These people need comprehensive and often long-term support in all aspects of life.
Elderly people
Older people want to meet people, do their shopping and actively participate in society as much as anyone else. If elderly people are to remain living independently, it is helpful if professionals, family carers and volunteers are aware of each other’s actions and work together in a comprehensive way.
There are over 200,000 professionals working in the social field in the Netherlands. Maintaining their professionalism and continually anticipating new developments are important conditions to ensure the high level of quality of the work.
Professional decision making
Millions of Dutch people appreciate that social workers make the right choices concerning their support and care. An understanding of the way social workers organise their actions, the choices they make and how they reach them, is what we call ‘professional decision making’.
Monitoring quality and outcome
People who call on support from the Social Care Act (Wmo) need to be able to rely on its quality. The Act obliges municipalities to develop local quality policies.
Since five years municipalities carry responsibility for elaborate duties in the field of (long-term) care and support to residents living independently. In the quality improvement process Access we work towards a significantly improved access to support within the social domain.
Strengthening social foundations
Municipal policymakers wish to fortify the social foundations in their neighbourhoods over the next years. This theme provides knowledge of what the social foundation includes and offers practical dilemmas and knowledge.
The arrival of large groups of refugees has given the Netherlands a new dynamic. What do we need to successfully integrate refugees and other newcomers in society?
Volunteer effort
Voluntary work helps both society as a whole and individual volunteers to remain healthy and resilient. Social innovation and entrepreneurship blossom when people volunteer to help fellow citizens and society.
What works in the social field
What do we know about what works in solving social issues and how can we find out whether the approach selected provides the desired results? How can drafting ‘outcome indicators’ contribute to quality? Movisie supports research into what works in the social field.
Working to capacity
Participating, using one’s own abilities, carrying responsibility for one’s own life. That is not self-evident for everyone. How are we able to match the opportunities people have and utilise their skills so they can move on towards paid employment?